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Category: Borough Council
Date: 07 Dec 2008
Time: 10:47:27 -0800
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I have just recently found out some disgusting sick news and am really ticked off that this person even continues to serve on the Civil Service commission, and now realize why we haven't been able to watch meetings on line due to this persons unhealthy actions. I feel that this person needs to resign along with Mel McDonald,Ed Sipes,Sharon Young. I just hope that the FBI is watching you along with your sick mind. Wrightsville doesn't need you and it doesn't need this kind of sick perversion in this town.
From: NY
Category: Borough Council
Date: 25 Jul 2013
Time: 01:24:09 -0700
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SGTxuP http://www.c1dOvW6eef5JOp8ApWjKQy5RO5mLafkc.com