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From: jh1@frontiernet.net
Category: Community Events
Date: 03 Dec 2008
Time: 14:05:23 -0800
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Would you let me know when the next Klan rally is in Wrightsville? I am doing research for graduate school and would like to interview and photograph some of the Klan members. Thank you.
From: rtKIqtNUgKRWUNipzs
Category: Borough Council
Date: 20 Jun 2013
Time: 00:02:41 -0700
Remote Name:
We need a change. These pnerest numb skulls including Diane Watts are just too comfortable and have begun to care corporate and lining their pockets. While they go laughing to the bank end of each pay cheque they make us tighten our pockets and levy further taxes. The Trans-link forceful levy and the 2 cent gas tax is a joke.While we pay these jokers in office burden us with their transport expenses.The long timers warming our city hall chairs are too complacent and have become as dumb as the City Hall door knob. Linda, Marvin,Barbara, Mary,Tom and Barinder have become totally useless to our needs.They seem to have the media support on front pages to etch onto peoples minds to influence voters votes. The community papers The Now and The Leader are also culprits to influence results.Hope to see the change and have new Candidates as Stephanie and Paul Hillsdon and younger blood.Cheers and good luck.