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From: ftpyciGhxUtGpq
Category: Borough Council
Date: 19 Jun 2013
Time: 03:28:57 -0700
Remote Name:


should not be allowed; deyortsing Grade II and Grade III agricultural soil at a time of global concerns at the threats to soil and it's location means future residents will be largely dependent on personal cars for access to jobs, shops etc.Economically the development will bring council tax revenue to Broxtowe; it will however exacerbate Stapleford's fuel poverty by increasing reliance on the car; it will add to an already over capacity local road network and it will provide a workforce for an adjacent authority which over the years has steadily decreased it share of housing provision in the area.Overall therefore it seems to me that developing Field Farm for 450 houses does not meet the definition of sustainable development and should therefore be refused planning permission.By the way in case I am accused of NIMBYism or bias I have similarly analysed other equally controversial developments (old and new) in the area and found most to have qualified as sustainable development.kind regards,Paul Nathanail

Last changed: 06/19/13